We are working to bring the Good News of Jesus to the ends of the earth through our numerous global mission partnerships.
Global Missions
Bringing freedom to the oppressed in Southeast Asia by demonstrating the love of Jesus Christ, preventing human trafficking and restoring communities.
Champion Susie Kenkel
Providing education, hope and health to children in over 18 villages in the central highlands of Madagascar.
Champion Barbara Robertson
Share the Gospel and breaking the cycle of poverty by investing in impoverished children, their families and their communities through clean water, nutrition, education and discipling projects in the Dominican Republic.
Champion Clint Gharib
Providing comprehensive care and discipleship of orphans and street boys in Zambia, a country that is overwhelmed with children in need through both residential and outreach projects.
Champion Lynn Richardson
Spreading the Gospel and relieving poverty and suffering while encouraging self-sufficiency in Central Asia and Africa.
Champion Bernard & Doris Johnston
Serving in Senegal, Africa with Ethnos 360, through church planting and worship, they take the Gospel to unreached people who do not yet have the Bible in their own language.
Champion Dick Edwards
Meeting the physical and spiritual needs of sexually traumatized young girls in a Christ-centered residential Academy in Honduras, restoring them to a life of purpose.
Champion Ann Bulk
BTCM exists to be the love of Christ to Uganda's orphaned and vulnerable children, equipping them to become authentic, Godly leaders that transform generations.
Champion Ben Erps
Bringing hope, changing lives, and transforming communities in partnership with churches, ministries, humanitarian groups, and government leaders in the Dominican Republic.
Champion Cole Floyd & Dick Edwards
HBM partners with Indigenous Missionaries to Advance the Gospel in Africa and Asia by Equipping them with personal, mentored training, Encouraging them with financial support, local language bibles, training materials, transport and other practical helps.
Champion Lauren Pingree
Pastoring Global Effect’s and the Chapel’s first church partnership in Los Rancito, Dominican Republic while providing mentoring for new churches in local communities.
Champion Scott Steelman
Training ministry students from Armenia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Lithuania, Moldova, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Ukraine, Uzbekistan, and Russia as servants for Christ.
Champion Rich Dean
Supervising the Village Church Planting and Pastor Training programs in Kenya with One Mission Society.
Champion Robyn Speakman
Serving in Estonia and Eastern Europe, church planting themselves and training and coaching other church planters through their work with M4 Europe.
Champion Simon Eastwick
Transforming the lives of abused and trafficked girls in Kenya by teaching them who they are in Christ while providing food, medical, shelter, counseling and vocational skills.
Champion Denise Schmidt